Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am back guys...

am i supposed to remember...
that there were rains!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am waiting very quietly to read you... Thanks for stopping by and following me also, hope I get some good stuff put down.


Beauty and the BEast said...

I would have almost missed this.. but the point is that I didnt!!

Welcome back!! :)

Rain Girl said...

welcome back brother *hugs* missed you here :*

runnerfrog said...

We know, pal! I saw your poem here in november and the other in december on "Poetic perceptions".

MysLykeMeeh said...

Yeah-- Hmnn...

U supposed to remember that there's always rainsss--- it will never stop!

But, dark rains or regular rains--better be ready with ur Umbrellaaa!

Now---; u have to write a hearfelt poem for 'comeback'

joie de vivre said...

seasons of life never go away
they come again, they fall again
no matter you remember them or not

keep movin

rainboy said...

@ The EnCHANtress

today's the day mam


rainboy said...

@ B&B

thank you thank you

missed u all

rainboy said...

@ rain girl

hugs* sis i missed u too ..

rainboy said...

@ runnerfrog

thanx a ton pal...
i know you'll not forget me

rainboy said...

@ MysLykeMeeh

so true..a feeling that is bottomless..

soaking in the rain is something i can't give up :)

straightaway miss

rainboy said...

@ joie

yeah tryin too..

Sameera Ansari said...

No you are not!You are supposed to remember the sunshine :P

rainboy said...

@ Sameera

thank you sis

i will :D

The Seeker said...

And I supposed to remember that I didnt come here for a long while
And am here today for a short while..

rainboy said...

hehe no buddy
but you are just supposed to be here from no onwards.

tc bro

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