A needle in a haystack or a haystack in a needle
Sometimes i approach everything with a can-do, smart-ass attitude.
I feel I can find anything I target!
Sometimes I do anything I want!
When something presents a fascinating challenge,than we play a game,a game of wits that the two of us have played time after time:Me & HIM.
Some are shocking, some are eye-opening, some will make you laugh,some will make you love us.
Another fascinating challenge has been thrown...High stakes,high risks.
So,here's a toast to two of us...for the biggest game of our life.
cheers to HIM & ME.
Gotcha!!!! Cheers to YOU & HIM.
Hey bro!!! Cheers to you and Him
AWWWWWWWW!! Cheers!!!!
somewhere, for someone if YOU have to choose between HIM and HER .. what would you do .. ? :P
teaser .. good one .. pretty much like I used to be with my two sides ...
cheers to that attitude bro :)
u know i feel so happy to see your positive move towards life..
simply loving!! :D
Whatever you and Him are doing, you have my wishes. Liked the pictures. I would like to see it as Haystack in a needle.
Soem artist here in teh states did a small stack of needles with a piece of hay sitting atop it. saw a picture of it adn I must admit it was wild.
i remember reading it but obviously didnt comment.. ummm since i dont know what to say i will just wish you a great day :D
i didnt really get that one, so not commenting :)
@ Vee
[:D]hugs bro
@ The seeker
thanks mate...cheers to you too
@ NE
cheers :D
@ Sid
i don't know...maybe i will toss a coin...
@ mayz
cheers to you too mate
@ joie
i am loving it too...
hugs dear friend
thank you ...
yeah i would like to see it as Haystack in a needle too.
tc n cheers
@ beach bum
isssshhhh that would be so painful...
@ lena
thank you
i need wishes from you all...
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